Benefits of membership of the DTA

– Dent Technician training workshops

– Member of an Association that represents all dent technicians as one body and as such, will communicate with the necessary parties on behalf of its members

– Standardised grading accepted by employees and insurance companies DTA will strive to obtain the best possible prices for hail repairs for its members

– Advertise local and international work when available, including the allocation of hail work

– Take the paper work hassle from its members so that its members can focus on work and can begin their job promptly ie. Prepare the contract – between the contractor and company

– Negotiate the best possible wage for a contractual job

– Obtain the necessary Visa for international contracts

– Assist with legal work, should the need arise

– International Projects will be headed by a team leader whom will represent that team ensuring that the correct renumeration, travel arrangements, Visa is received